What is a Glimmer?

If you’ve been on social media in the past few months you may have seen the recently trending term ‘glimmer’. In short, a glimmer is a moment in time, opposite of a trigger, where you feel aligned, at peace in mind, body and spirit. A glimmer brings joy and allows you feel to safe and relaxed. I like to think of glimmers as an authentic mindful moment, they allow you to focus on things that make you feel safe and at ease.

Examples can include;

  • Your dog or pet smiling at you

  • Listening to a baby’s giggle

  • Your morning cup of coffee or equivalent

  • Experiencing nature

  • Feeling the sun’s warmth on your skin

  • The scent of freshly cut flowers or grass

  • Hearing a familiar song

Triggers vs. Glimmers

When we experience triggers, our body is responding to a perceived threat which activates the fight or flight response for protection. This can lead to an increased heart rate, short, shallow breathing and high blood pressure. Our brains tend to have a negative bias where we often look for the bad in order to to keep ourselves physically safe. In our modern society, we no longer have the physical threats of wild animals or enemies to look out for, therefore it’s no longer necessary to remain in this fight or flight response so frequently. A glimmer activates our parasympathetic nervous system, the rest and digest state, which leads us to a place of homeostasis and ease within. The good news is, once you begin to notice a glimmer, you’ll naturally start to see more as you tune in to the things that bring you joy. There is evidence to say that the more glimmers you experience, the more easily you’ll be able to adopt a positive change in perspective.

How to find glimmers?

The best place to find a glimmer is to spend time doing the things you already love. Start to notice moments in time that make you feel truly safe and be intentional about making space to do those things you enjoy.

You could set a goal of identifying one glimmer per day, to begin with. This will allow you to intentionally look for glimmers rather than letting them go unnoticed.

It also may be useful to keep a journal, to begin with, to record your daily glimmers so that you can keep tuning in. I like this 5-minute journal by Intelligent Change as it just asks for 5 minutes per day to reflect and practice gratitude.

I would love to know what glimmer you’ve experienced this week, pop your moment in the comments below!

Kelly Piez

Kelly is a certified wellness coach, yoga teacher and trained educator who understands the importance of observing individual wellbeing from a holistic standpoint. A former school-based educator of 10 years, Kelly utilises her education background to teach clients about the benefits of adopting simple, healthy lifestyle shifts.

Through her wellness coaching business, Glow & Grow Wellness, Kelly facilitates workshops, events and speaks in businesses and school communities about creating healthy habits. Her personal mission statement is to inspire and cultivate sustainable holistic health and wellness growth within each of her clients, allowing them to thrive and flourish into their best version of whole and well.

Currently completing post-graduate studies in the area of Lifestyle Medicine, Kelly has a special interest in educating others on the integral role that good nutrition and ample movement have within our bodies and on our overall longevity.


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