
My doTERRA Story

My first encounter with doTERRA started in 2016 after hearing whispers of these incredible oils here, there and everywhere. I was extremely curious about these little bottles but I had no real understanding or alignment to a particular company - a lot of the people I knew were using a variety of brands. Funnily enough, I was extremely frustrated that I couldn't just go and buy doTERRA from the store which I now know is half the benefit of doTERRA!

It wasn't until early 2017, we were renting out a room in our place through AirBnb and a lovely couple came to stay with us. Kate, our guest, was using doTERRA essential oils during her stay and I had to ask her about them.

After she left our place, Kate sent me a link to an online class run by Alice Nicholls of The Whole Daily (who is now one of my powerhouse leaders in this business). I was just about to leave for a trip to Bali for my 30th birthday and I remember being at the airport frantically trying to figure out how to download the class to watch while I was in the air with no wifi. I distinctly remember sitting on the plane and going YES YES YES to everything Alice was saying when she was referring to Co-Impact Sourcing and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. I LOVED everything she had to say and knew I would be buying oils as soon as my flight landed. I had total, complete and utter conviction that these were the products for me. It shook me and I knew I had to be involved with this company. You can still watch Alice's online workshop on YouTube here. 

I started with the Home Essentials Kit and jumped straight onto the Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) as I knew these wouldn't be something I'd purchase and leave sitting on the shelf. I had a yearning to learn everything there was to know about these little bottles of goodness. When we arrived home after our trip to Bali my oils were waiting faithfully at our front door. My husband was a skeptic at first, however, after using them over time he started to come around to the fact that these oils were more than just pretty smelly bottles.

Our first real testimony came one day when we had to fight off a sore throat. Both of us being school teachers after exposed to all sorts of germs in the classroom. We both had a tickling throat which is usually the first signs of something more to come. We looked up which oil was good for sore throats and came to the conclusion that On Guard (the Protective Blend) was good at supporting our immune system with it's antibacterial properties. We added a few drops to a glass of water each, gargled, spat it out and went to bed. When we woke up we didn't have one symptom of itchy or sore throats. From that point on, it was experience after experience. Now I can't help but share the beauty of these oils, and run classes where I share each of the amazing experiences I've had and continue to have with these amazing gifts of the Earth. I empower you to do the same. What have you got to lose?

We are not licensed physicians. We cannot diagnose or prescribe nor make disease claims. If you have any ailment, seek advice from a trained professional. Information on this website is for informational purposes only. You remain responsible for what you do with this information, determining for yourself if you might benefit from anything here, in pursuit of your health and wellness goals. Any application of the information on this site constitutes the explicit waiver of any liability on our part.