The Farm Byron Bay Review
Even if you're not from Byron Bay, it would be hard to not have heard about the 'The Farm'. Prior to visiting, I did wonder what all the hype was about, however, after visiting I realised that I had never been to a venue quite like it! It's essentially just a farm, as the name suggests, containing a collection of amazing micro-businesses such as a cafe, bakery, florist (pictured below) all sharing a common goal of 'improving health and wellness from the ground up’ - totally something I can get behind!
Since our first visit, this place is now on my 'to visit' list every time we're in Byron. There are just too many things I love to list about The Farm Byron Bay. I love that you can go there no matter what time of the day and there's always going to be something there for you, whether it be a packed picnic somewhere around The Farm or breakfast at Three Blue Ducks or even just a takeaway coffee and bakery treat. There is something for everyone.
What makes this place so special is the whole philosophy and concept behind it all. Below is an excerpt from The Farm's website which I thought valuable sharing given the rarity of such values.
Our philosophy is built on our motto ‘Grow, Feed, Educate’.
Grow your food, your people and your community.
Feed and nourish your physical self, your soul and the land on which you live.
Educate yourself, your family and your community so that we can all actively participate as sustainable food growers, producers and consumers.
This video says way more than my words will ever say, so have a watch and be inspired and enjoy some photos in the carousel above!
All photos above, taken by Yours Truly (unless I’m in them then #InstagramHusband. x
The Farm Byron Bay- 11 Ewingsdale Road, Ewingsdale NSW 2481 Australia